GeekGirlCon at the 2014 Pride Parade
Welcome to my Gauntlet 2015 fundraising campaign!
I’m excited to help raise money for Hopelink, a local charity supporting low-income families and the homeless on their way to self-sufficiency. ENGAGE - Card Kingdom and Mox Boarding House’s charitable giving program, is hosting a table top gaming tournament and fundraiser called The Gauntlet: Moxtropolis on May 16th! Help me support this amazing charity, and earn valuable "Power-Ups" during the tournament, by donating to my campaign. Just click the "Make a Donation" button to the right to get started!
Team GeekGirlCon:
This is my second year competing on Team GeekGirlCon in the Gauntlet. Last year we were the definite underdogs, starting out with the least number of "powerups" but quickly climbed toward the top! We came in fourth place after a crushing blow from Suckerpunch during Suspend. Now, we're back for our revenge and to help a good cause while we're at it. This year we have 3 returning members to Team GeekGirlCon as well as a shiny new face to help out. Come on out and help cheer on Rose, Kristine, Sylvia and Jex as we work towards the coveted trophy!

What is GeekGirlCon:
GeekGirlCon celebrates and honors the legacy of women contributing to science and technology; comics, arts, and literature; and game play and game design by connecting geeky women world-wide and creating community to foster continued growth of women in geek culture through events.
This year will be our 5th year Anniversary so join us to celebrate at GeekGirlCon 2015 on October 10 and 11!
What Does My Money Do?
For Hopelink:
$25 provides weekend food for FIVE school-aged children
$50 provides formula for a newborn child for a month
$100 provides hygiene products for FOUR people
$150 provides FIFTY meals for a family of FOUR
$250 provides financial education classes for a parent
If $25 is too much, I encourage you to donate what you can. Every little bit helps, every $5 and $1 donated will add up to make a difference. Skip that second latte and consider donating that change instead!
For Team GeekGirlCon:
We earn Power Ups! Think of these as cheats or special abilities that we get to use throughout the various games to help boost our chance at winning. Powerups are based on our team fundraising and we earn 1 @ $500, $1000, $1500, $2500 and then every $2500 after that.

The Day of the Event: May 16th
Anyone and everyone is welcome to come cheer us on during the event! Below you'll find the schedule. Come watch your favorite event and participate in the side events. Mox will be hosting a life size Tsuro Board, a silent auction (we won an awesome Cards Against Humanity Uncut Sheet last year!), pay to play games, raffle, and whatever else they come up with up!
11:00 - 11:15am Welcome & Kick-Off: Introduction of Hopelink
11:15 - 11:30am Power-Up Presentation
11:30 - 12:00pm Session 1- Space Cadets Dice Duel (30min.)
12:00 - 12:15pm Break
12:15 - 2:00pm Session 2- Kemet (105mins.)
2:00 - 2:15pm Break
2:15 - 3:30pm Lunch & Session 3: Trivia (75min.)
3:30 - 5:00pm Session 4- Cosmic Encounter (90min.)
5:00 - 5:15pm Break (Snacks)
5:15 - 6:30pm Finale- Session 5- “Secret Game”
6:30 - 7:00pm Closing- Awards Ceremony & Wrap Up